11 EASY Maintenance Tips for Your HVAC
BY MIKE HOLMES Professional Contractor and TV Host
I always stress the importance of having your HVAC systems inspected. Why? Keeping up with regular maintenance checks will prolong the life of your unit. Think of it the same way as getting your car inspected every year. Your entire heating and cooling system needs to be cleaned and regularly maintained. This will ensure they are in good condition. I recommend doing a check every season. With any HVAC system, it is important to maintain the system according to the manufacturer’s instructions. I highly recommend looking into a Mike Holmes Protection plan for your peace of mind. With the Premium and the Extended Mike Holmes Protection Plans, your heating and cooling systems have the best protection. You can also get coverage for your ductwork, appliances, faucets, toilets, garage door systems, septic pump and plumbing. Whether you are a first-time home buyer, seller, or existing homeowner, a home protection plan is an affordable way to preserve peace of mind and to protect covered items for your most valuable asset.1 – Get Rid of Clutter Around Your HVAC Unit
Keeping the area clear around your indoor HVAC unit is important for a couple of different reasons. First of all, you want to be able to get to your boiler or furnace easily to do your maintenance checks. Secondly, the more junk you have around your HVAC units, the more likely they are to collect dust. This dust can make its way into your vent system. Clutter also impacts air circulation in the area, which is bad for system efficiency.
2 – Clear Your Outdoor HVAC Unit Area
Your outdoors HVAC unit can collect leaves, branches, grass clippings and other debris. Clear the debris every time you are working on your yard.
3 – Maintenance Tips For Your Air Conditioner
The first thing I want you to do is always keep your AC unit clean and clear of debris. Now check the air filter in your furnace. It is designed to trap dirt, pollen, dust and other debris. You don’t want this stuff building up and slowing the flow of air. Check the air filter every month and replace it if it’s dirty.
4 – Maintenance Tips For Your Furnace
One simple thing you can do as a homeowner is change your furnace filter regularly. I recommend changing it every 3 months. In the winter, I even suggest changing it monthly. A dirty filter means your furnace will be less efficient. Make sure you turn off your furnace before removing the filter. You don’t want unfiltered air coming into your home.
5 – Heat Pump Maintenance Tips
I am a big fan of heat pumps. A heat pump has the ability to heat and cool your home and can deliver heating and cooling with a higher level of efficiency. There are some DIY maintenance tasks you can perform on your heat pump yourself. Clean or change the air filter as recommended or, if you use the system more, at least once a month. Remove foliage and debris from around your heat pump outdoor unit. In the winter, you should be checking for snow or ice buildup. Heat pumps need proper airflow. If you notice your outdoor coils are dirty, follow your manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning them. I recommend bringing in a technician to do maintenance checks on your heat pump. They will inspect ducts, filters, blower, and indoor coil for dirt and other obstructions.
6 – Maintenance Tips for Your Boiler
Annual service and proper maintenance is the key to a healthy, functioning boiler. Your boiler should be inspected annually by a qualified professional. As a homeowner, keep an eye out for anything unusual with your boiler. Is it making weird sounds? Do you spot water on the floor? Has there been an increase in your utility bills for no reason? These could be signs that your boiler could be malfunctioning. A professional technician will examine the heat exchanger and inspect the burner for any wear or discoloration. They should also remove the condensate trap completely from the bottom of the unit. The idea is to flush it out to make sure there are no obstructions. A technician will also perform a combustion analysis. This is a vital step to keep a condensing boiler working for many years.

7 – Keep An Eye On Your Energy Bills
Are you noticing sudden increases in your utility bills? Even a gradual increase can be a sign that there is an issue in your HVAC system. Bring in a professional to inspect your systems.
8 – Get a Home Protection Plan For Your HVAC systems
Appliances and HVAC systems are not cheap. They are a big investment. A home protection plan is a great idea for homeowners, and the Mike Holmes Protection plan provides great coverage for your systems.
Here are the average national costs to replace some major home systems: – Central air conditioner: $5,000 – $12,500 – Gas furnace: $3,800 – $10,000 – Water heater: $900 – $1,600 – Appliance repair: $105 – $240 If you don’t have money set to replace these appliances, a home protection plan can pay for itself. Having an extended protection plan for your home appliances protects you from expensive, unexpected repair costs. Our Mike Holmes Protection plans protect items such as your heating and cooling system, water heater, kitchen and laundry appliances, pool equipment, and much more. With a Mike Holmes Protection Plan, breakdowns and repairs on covered systems and appliances don’t have to be a hassle.
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9 – Seal Your Home
The average home loses about 30% of its energy due to air leaks. Think about how much that costs. A properly sealed house is important for your HVAC systems to run efficiently as well. Check the weatherstripping around your doors and windows. If the weather stripping is broken or missing, it allows drafts to come into your home, impacting your energy bills. Caulk and seal air leaks where plumbing, ducting, or electrical wiring comes through walls, floors, ceilings, and soffits over cabinets.

10 – Investigate Strange Sounds
If you hear weird noises coming from your utility room and you do not have a ghost, pay attention. A strange sound coming from any of your HVAC systems could mean trouble. These sounds could mean there is a loose part that requires replacement. A Mike Holmes Protection Plan will give you peace of mind.
11 – Clear Air Vents
I often see people block their air vents with furniture or other things. That’s not a good idea. If your vents aren’t covered and you are still noticing low or no air flow, remove the cover and take a look with a flashlight. There might be a piece of paper, cardboard, old broken filter pieces or a toy that got into the ducts will get caught at the vent grill. Sometimes old filters or filter pieces may get blown into the ductwork.

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